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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
sri NATVAR +feather & flute 30
sun feather flute book god 16
swiss CLUB +feather 24
uttam +feather & flute 29
woman feather & sitar 30
AJANTA featherline 25
BATA featherlite 25
feathers 3, 9, 18, 25, 35, 37
feathers & circle 7, 9
feathers 41
AASS PASS +feathers 3
AGHORI +man & feathers 3
BLUE FEATHERS +feathers 36
CHANDRA +feathers & flute 3
CHIEF SHOES +man & feathers 16
CHIEF shoes +man & feathers 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 25
DIVYA sarees +feathers 24
feathers 35
EMBARK tea +feathers & oval 30
ESM +feathers 25
FEATHERS +feathers & square 36, 37
FEATHERS BB +feathers 5
FEZAAR BIG BABY +feathers 15
FOUR FEATHERS +feathers 35
GAURANG +feathers & flute 12
GEEPLAY +feathers 9
GIRIVER +feathers 29, 32
GLOSS +feathers & stripes 2
GOKUL +feathers 24
GOKUL +feathers & stripes 30
GOLA +flute & feathers 3
HARDY +face & feathers 7
IKPFC +man feathers & squar 43
KARTIKEYA +feathers 3
KARTIKEYA +feathers & arcs 35
feathers 29, 31
KMW'S +feathers & flute 6
KOLOR NINE +feathers & oval 16
MARHABA GENTLE +feathers 3
MAYUR candles +feathers 4
MOZZART +feathers & shield 19
MURLI +feathers & circles 2
feathers 35
NAWABZADI +feathers 42
feathers 30, 35
NUTKHAT WRAPP +feathers 6
OM +feathers & flowers 16
P-6 ointment +feathers 5
PANKHURI +feathers 19
PASSPASS +feathers 3
PENDAWALA DULIRAM +feathers 29, 30
PFIZOKOM +feathers & arc 5
QUESA +feathers 43
RADHA +flute & feathers 30
RAJHANS +bird & feathers 25
RAJPOROHIT +feathers & flut 3
REDINDANO +man & feathers 25
RK LITE +feathers & arcs 2
RKR +feathers & flute 9
SAANWARIA +flute & feathers 3
SAMPOORAN +god & feathers 45
SGE +feathers & flute 6
feathers 42
SHREENATH +feathers 17
SHYAM DAIRY FARM +feathers 30
SIDDHARTH SP +feathers 31
SKT dusters +feathers 24
SM SUDARSHAN +feathers hand 19
SNAP-ON FEATHERS +feathers 26
SRI RADHA PALACE +feathers 43
SUNDARAM +feathers 3
SUPER SLEEP +feathers 20
THREE FEATHERS +feathers 16, 33, 37
VERNEE TRENDZ +feathers 24
feathers 2
VIRAASAT JEWELS +feathers 14
blouse materials +feathers 24
boy & peacock feathers 29
circle & feathers 25
elephant & feathers 24, 25
face feathers & circle 18, 25
features 16
fed 41
federal germany +triangle 11
FEDEX federal express 16
KRAY MEGA federation IMI 16
108 BABAJI cattle feed 31
5 STAR feed +stars 31
A.C.K. cattle feed 31
A.D. cattle feed 31
A.F. ARORA cattle feed 31
ABIS feed 31
ACCITER poultry feed +oval 31
ACIDOPHOS feed supplement 31
AJANTA feed +woman & cow 31
AJAY cattle feed 31
AMAR PANJEERE cattle feed 31
AMIRTHA cattle feed 31
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